Glenn Quagmire's Insanity

Quagmire was a humble, perverted man who lived next to Peter Griffin and his family.
One day, a cheap ass hooka who only wanted Glenn for sexual purposes dumped him and left, ripping his cock off in the process. Quagmire couldn't take the rejection. Quagmire couldn't take the fact that his best friend had been stripped of him.
Glenn stripped off his red shirt with yellow flowers that was never seen off of him and went to his glass display case, smashing it and pulling out a


shirt with yellow flowers.
Then, Quagmire opened his locked trunk, pulled out a Power Star and a Chaos Emerald he had stolen from their proper locations, threw them in a blender with some milk, and made a protein shake to end all protein shakes.
Instantly after ingesting the shake, Quagmire fell to the floor, but he felt power flooding throughout his body. His hair was changing. His eyes became red. He smiled a vicious smile, laughing maniacally, wanting to test his new powers.
There was a knock at Quagmire's door. He raised a hand after he stood and blasted it off the hinges, sending Joe Swanson flying to his death. He stepped out onto spooner street, thinking he should give his buddy Peter a visit. 
He didn't even knock. He melted the door with his heat vision.
"What the crap was that?" Peter's head poked out from the door. "Oh, hey Quagmi-"
Glenn Quagmire killed Peter Griffin on the spot with his nuclear missle diarreah.
Lois appeared soon after and Glenn Quagmire started going
"Gggitygiggitytgigigigtygigigigtygigity" non-stop, maniacally, blood dripping from his eyes, hitting the pavement and melting the ground as if it were acid.
He chased Lois up the stairs, where he proposed to her.
"Lois, will you be mine?" he said with red eyes.
"YOU KILLED PEETAH!" Lois yelled.
Quagmire smiled and started running around like a maniac, torching the house with his laser eyes. Soon it was just ruins.
Much later, Glenn Quagmire sat alone in his confinement, protein shake worn off. There was a knock at his cell door.
He opened it and saw HYPER REALISTIC GHOST PETER with red eyes and Glenn Quagmire fell dead on the spot like he killed Peter.